Abraham Garcia in WordPress   Saturday, May 7 2022

Setup your WordPress Projects with GitHub

An Easy Way to Work with Local and Production Environments for WordPress Through GIT. This made working with multiple developers in WordPress.

While I was working with a couple of developers I was struggling with version control and WordPress sometimes makes it difficult to work with a couple in a team. So

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Abraham Garcia in WordPress   Sunday, March 13 2022

Custom Settings for WordPress Plugin

Create a Custom Settings Page on WordPress Backend for Display Custom Settings for WP Plugin. Simple and Easy Effective Method.

This is a short code snippet to get your custom settings for your WordPress plugin page. <?php function dbi_add_settings_page() { add_options_page( 'Example plugin page', 'Example Plugin Menu', 'manage_options', 'dbi-example-plugin', 'dbi_render_plugin_settings_page'

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