Abraham Garcia in HTML/CSS Script   Friday, March 23 2018

How to Center Bootstrap Navigation

A short snippet to center bootstrap navigation.

This is a short code snippet on how to center bootstrap navigation.  .navbar .navbar-nav { display: inline-block; float: none; } .navbar .navbar-collapse { text-align: center; } Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21980660/align-bootstrap-navigation-to-center 

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Abraham Garcia in HTML/CSS Script   Wednesday, May 17 2017

BootStrap Media Queries and Break Points

These are the BootStrap media queries breakpoints use this as reference to know the different breakpoints in bootstrap 3 and 4.

In BootStrap 3 these are the break-points. @media(max-width:767px){} @media(min-width:768px){} @media(min-width:992px){} @media(min-width:1200px){} In BootStrap 4 these are the break-points.  @media(min-width:576px){} @media(min-width:768px){} @media(min-width:992px){} @media(min-width:1200px){} StackOverflow Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18424798/twitter-bootstrap-3-how-to-use-media-queries 

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